God said, "Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it..., but Jonah ran away from the Lord." Jonah 1:1-3
The people of Nineveh were evil and God wanted Jonah to preach to them with the hopes of them repenting.
Jonah didn't want that to happen. He knew how evil they were and he wanted them to suffer for being evil. He knew how compassionate God can be and that if they repented, He would forgive them, which is what happened - Jonah 4:1-4
Jonah was so filled with anger toward God because He forgave such evil people.
God teaches Jonah a lesson in 4:5-11 and yet, Jonah still said he was angry enough to die (4:9).
The account of Jonah is one that causes me to really dig deep and think. Wouldn't Jonah be happy that the people of Nineveh repented and turned back to God?
I wonder how many Christians are "runners" - running from their responsibility to teach about Christ?
I wonder if there are those who have so much hate towards those who are evil and denounce God that they would be upset if they repented and because of God's compassion, He forgives them?
It's something for us to pay attention to. In our world where people are so free to speak hate against someone, could their hearts become like Jonah's? I believe they can and I believe some are already there.
I invite you to look at your heart to be sure it's not like Jonah.
I invite you to be a different kind of runner. Instead of running from God when He has an assignment for you, that you run as fast as you can to Him and take on that assignment - whatever it is.
We have much work to do for Him - be willing to do it. He will give you the courage to do it - run to Him with a willing heart.
If you have obstacles to overcome - within yourself, emotionally, spiritually and also physically - coaching is a tool that can help you pull yourself up and be your best self so you can take on God's assignments and live your life like He intended.
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