Coaching Services

What is a coach?  How can I help you?

Are you dealing with:

weight issues ~ grief ~ self-control ~ self-limiting beliefs? 

If so, you have landed in the right place!

As your coach I will stay with you through these difficult times in your life. You will feel empowered to once again find joy in your life. I will listen and guide you, while keeping all you share confidential. Our goal is to take you from heartbreak to happiness together.

My commitment as a coach is to: 

Support, love and accept ~ not to condemn, analyze "fix", or rescue.

Respect you and give you my full attention.

Listen to what you are saying and not make judgments.

Keep everything you say confidential.

Why is Diane the Right Coach for You?

She is a certified "From Heartbreak to Happiness" grief coach and the 2013 Coach of the Year for The Grief Coach Academy. Her mission is to inspire and encourage women to cherish their body as God's masterpiece. Diane also believes her purpose is to glorify God, share Christ and serve others; and she believes she can achieve this purpose through coaching.


Diane has been through the pain of being the fat girl and being made fun of. She understands what it's like to not feel like she belonged and the heart ache of name calling. You know the saying, "sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me". What a lie! The words hurt, they hurt badly and they stay with you forever!


However, with the help and guidance from business and grief coaches, Diane was able to release issues she had been holding onto for 40 years!!! She learned how to love the person God made her to be and to forgive those who were hurtful and to release the past and move on with her life. And, because of the peace and joy she found, she decided to become a coach.


  • You know how so many times a woman is challenged with keeping weight off or sticking to eating healthy? 
  • Have you ever had the problem of feeling like your weight is a yo-yo? 
  • Have you ever felt like a failure when it comes to taking care of the body God gave you? 
  • Do you feel you are addicted to food and it has control over you? 
  • Or, are you so afraid of gaining weight you become anorexic or bulimic? 
  • Do you ever look in the mirror and wonder how anyone could love you and why weren't you given the perfect body? 
  • Do you compare yourself to the skinny girls and then look at them with jealousy?



One of the problems is we are bombarded by TV commercials and magazine articles with promises of quick weight loss and the perfect body; plus, many times the eating plan is unhealthy. You spend your hard earned money on these programs only to gain back the weight, if any was lost. And the the cycle starts again ~ feeling like a failure, wasting your money, dreading the thoughts of putting on your tight clothes or having to buy a larger size again; and then facing your family and friends who have made hurtful comments and feeling further ashamed.


Another problem when dealing with weight issues is learning to feel good about yourself .

​The hardest thing after losing the weight was getting rid of the head talk. Remember how it was mentioned she had been made fun of for so long and just couldn't get rid of it? Well an amazing thing happened; because of being coached by a Certified Grief Coach, she was able to release the fat girl she had held on to for over 40 years. And, now, Diane wants to help you release; to let go and to become all God intended you to be !


Diane now helps women focus on how special they are and helps them figure out ways to eat healthy and enjoy healthy foods as the weight comes off. One of her clients shared how from one idea, she lost 10 pounds! Another client shared how she has now stopped overeating. 

Do you know what this could mean for you?

It could mean not only releasing the physical weight, but you could also have an emotional weight release ~ you could fall in love with yourself again . You can now cherish and respect the body God gave you and have peace of mind because you chose to have a coach who guided and cared about you!

When you coach with Diane your experience will be caring and confidential. Diane will listen to your story ~ this time will be all about you and how you can be brought to a place of peace, joy, happiness and fulfillment

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Listen to What Diane's Clients Have to Say
Diane reads client testimonials of how her coaching has made a difference. >
For more testimonials, visit the TESTIMONIALS page.

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Feast2Live - Spiritually, Emotionally, and Physically

By Diane Burton August 19, 2021
I decided to treat the dirty window as one of my daily tasks. I wrote in my planner on a specific day and time when I would clean that window! I’m grinning as I write this thinking, "I scheduled a time to clean the window?"; yet that’s how I knew I would get it done.
By Diane Burton July 21, 2021
Did you know that when you talk about the "could haves" and "should haves" in your life, you are speaking disempowering words to yourself? And the words you speak matter. For me, I had so many “could haves” and “should haves” surrounding my weight loss (release) journey.
By Diane Burton March 6, 2021
Do you ever have an empty feeling? A feeling of not being fulfilled? How do you satisfy that empty feeling? As humans, we search for fulfillment with fleshly desires. What if, the next time you are feeling empty/unfulfilled, you satisfy your cravings with spending time with God? He's the only one who can satisfy the craving. He's the only one who can fulfill your hunger and thirst - Matthew 5:6, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled (satisfied)."
By Diane Burton January 11, 2021
"He (Jesus) disarmed the rulers and authorities (demonic) and put them to open shame (shamed them publicly) by triumphing over them in Him (His victory over them on the cross.") Colossians 2:15 How are you approaching your day - your life? Do you approach it as a victorious day (life)? Or do you approach it feeling defeated? Yes, some days are tougher than others and satan does his best to make you think he's the winner. As I was thinking about how I wanted to approach this scripture, I thought of a ball game.
By Diane Burton November 19, 2020
I felt sad thinking about gossip I've heard over the years. Think about it - those words go deep into your heart. Those words can cause anxiety/stress which can cause disease. The ESV says it goes into the inner parts of the body. Sinking deep into one's heart means it gets into the mind.
By Diane Burton April 2, 2020
Emotions - they are real. How someone feels - it is real and no one can ever know exactly how you feel or how I feel. As a Certified Grief Coach, I see/hear so many different emotions. Many times people feel guilty if they aren't having an emotion they thought they "should" have. I ask questions and guide them to realizing the emotions they are having are the emotions they're supposed to have at that time.
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