As your coach I will stay with you through these difficult times in your life. You will feel empowered to once again find joy in your life. I will listen and guide you, while keeping all you share confidential. Our goal is to take you from heartbreak to happiness together.
She is a certified "From Heartbreak to Happiness" grief coach and the 2013 Coach of the Year for The Grief Coach Academy. Her mission is to inspire and encourage women to cherish their body as God's masterpiece. Diane also believes her purpose is to glorify God, share Christ and serve others; and she believes she can achieve this purpose through coaching.
Diane has been through the pain of being the fat girl and being made fun of. She understands what it's like to not feel like she belonged and the heart ache of name calling. You know the saying, "sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me". What a lie! The words hurt, they hurt badly and they stay with you forever!
However, with the help and guidance from business and grief coaches, Diane was able to release issues she had been holding onto for 40 years!!! She learned how to love the person God made her to be and to forgive those who were hurtful and to release the past and move on with her life. And, because of the peace and joy she found, she decided to become a coach.
One of the problems is we are bombarded by TV commercials and magazine articles with promises of quick weight loss and the perfect body; plus, many times the eating plan is unhealthy. You spend your hard earned money on these programs only to gain back the weight, if any was lost. And the the cycle starts again ~ feeling like a failure, wasting your money, dreading the thoughts of putting on your tight clothes or having to buy a larger size again; and then facing your family and friends who have made hurtful comments and feeling further ashamed.
Another problem when dealing with weight issues is learning to feel good about yourself .
The hardest thing after losing the weight was getting rid of the head talk. Remember how it was mentioned she had been made fun of for so long and just couldn't get rid of it? Well an amazing thing happened; because of being coached by a Certified Grief Coach, she was able to release the fat girl she had held on to for over 40 years. And, now, Diane wants to help you release; to let go and to become all God intended you to be !
Diane now helps women focus on how special they are and helps them figure out ways to eat healthy and enjoy healthy foods as the weight comes off. One of her clients shared how from one idea, she lost 10 pounds! Another client shared how she has now stopped overeating.
Do you know what this could mean for you?
It could mean not only releasing the physical weight, but you could also have an emotional weight release ~ you could fall in love with yourself again . You can now cherish and respect the body God gave you and have peace of mind because you chose to have a coach who guided and cared about you!
When you coach with Diane your experience will be caring and confidential. Diane will listen to your story ~ this time will be all about you and how you can be brought to a place of peace, joy, happiness and fulfillment .
GriefCoach & Christian Women's Life Coach
There are many reasons for grief in our lives. Talking to someone to get to the root of the grief and begin to heal will bring you out of the pit and release what is holding you back from being your best self. If you want to love and cherish yourself more, simply click on the Contact page to reach out to Diane or click a "Schedule Appointment" button and you can book online.
If this doesn't describe you, but someone you care about, please have them check out this site.
Leadership Training & Events
I am also a John Maxwell Team leadership coach! Do you feel called to become a better leader in your niche, organization, job or industry?
This type of coaching is for you.
If you are a business owner who would like leadership training for you and your team, please contact me.
If you are someone wanting to grow as a leader, please contact me.
I'm also available to speak to you and your team, civic club, etc.
I am available for in person or virtual events.
Visit my John Maxwell Leadership Team Coach website here:
Health Coach & Holistic Cancer Educator
What is a Health Coach? Diane is a Certified Health Coach with the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute, which means she works with groups and individuals in such areas as weight control, healthy lifestyle and prevention of health issues. Diane educates and guides you on ways to improve your overall health and wellness.
Visit the Healthy Living page for a host of free resources to get you started!
Diane is also a Holistic Cancer Educator certified by This training goes hand in hand with grief coaching for spiritual, emotional and physical healing.
Watch the Natural Cancer Cure Testimony of how Diane's friend used food to heal.
Direct Sales & Network Marketing Coach
As a leader in a Direct Sales business for over 30 years, Diane knows the ins and outs and the ups and downs of network marketing. In 2014, Diane added her certification as a Direct Sales coach.
In her own experience with Direct Sales, there were times she couldn’t understand why she wasn’t achieving more. Diane had all the “secrets”, so she thought. She was holding appointments, moving up the career path, yet, wasn’t achieving at the level she wanted to achieve.
It wasn’t until she started being coached that she discovered “why” she wasn’t reaching my goals. It was the six inches between the ears! She had so much “stuff” she was hanging onto from her past. She was allowing limiting beliefs about herself and her abilities to stop her from being her best. Plus, she realized how negative her talk was – she didn’t think it was, however, she learned what it meant to speak disempowering words.
What about you? Could you get excited to discover why you aren’t reaching your dreams and goals? What kind of “stuff” do you have buried deep inside just waiting to be released? Would you like to learn how to speak to yourself and others with empowering words? Could you get really excited about getting rid of your limiting beliefs and creating beliefs to move you forward, allowing you to achieve your heart’s desire?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then contact Diane right now for a free strategy session and find out how she can be your guide and support to an empowering life.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming Coach
NLP – what is it? NLP, Neuro-linguistic Programming, is seeing how the mind, language and body interplay.
When she was younger, Diane remember hearing, “a mind is a terrible thing to waste.” She really wasn’t sure what that meant, except, it was important to study and make good grades. However, as she's been in the coaching field, she's learned just how powerful our minds are. She's learned how powerful our words affect the subconscious mind. For example, did you know the subconscious mind doesn’t comprehend or hear the word “not”? If a child is about to run in the street and you yell, “don’t go in the street”, the subconscious mind hears “go in the street.” It would be better to say, “stop”!
After learning about how powerful the brain is and how the subconscious mind works, again she realized why she was challenged with achieving her dreams and goals. Too many times she was focused on what she didn’t want instead of what was possible. She also learned that what a person focuses on grows. Through coaching, she learned to change her thought process and the words she uses. She learned to focus on what she wanted to happen instead of what she didn’t want to happen.
What about you? Is your subconscious mind confused because you say one thing and attempt to do something else? And, because of that confusion, you are frozen in achieving your dreams and goals?
If so, then click "Schedule Appointment" at the bottom of this page right now for a free strategy session and find out how she can be your guide and support to having empowering thoughts so you can achieve your dreams and goals.
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