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How Do You Satisfy That Empty Feeling?

Diane Burton • March 6, 2021

Do you ever have an empty feeling? A feeling of not being fulfilled?

Do you ever have an empty feeling? A feeling of not being fulfilled?

How do you satisfy that empty feeling?

For some, they go after more in their career. I will be honest, I did this over and over - if I just reach another level in my career then I'll feel fulfilled.

For others, they reach for food to comfort them, thinking that's all it will take. Be honest, have you done that? Maybe sit and eat something sweet (especially chocolate ) while you try to figure out why you're feeling empty?

Maybe you choose to go shopping - yes, some new clothes will make you feel better (and it can feel good to have new clothes and then you get tired of wearing them.)

As humans, we search for fulfillment with fleshly desires.

What if, the next time you are feeling empty/unfulfilled, you satisfy your cravings with spending time with God?

He's the only one who can satisfy the craving.

He's the only one who can fulfill your hunger and thirst - Matthew 5:6, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled (satisfied)."

The devil will make you think otherwise - he will continue to entice you with fame, fortune, food, clothes, a new house, etc, etc, etc. And, he will make sure you feel fulfilled (a false fulfillment) - that dopamine rush will come and it feels so good. It soon wears off and off you go trying to get that feeling of fulfillment again. It's a vicious cycle!

Stop listening to the lies of satan (John 8:44 - he is a liar and the father of lies.)

Listen instead to the Word of God. Only He can fill you when you are empty.

Here are additional verses for further study:

Ephesians 1:23; 3:19

Philippians 1:11

Isaiah 6:3

Psalm 33:5

Habakkuk 2:14

As always, I am here for you!  Whether you struggle with feeling empty, needing a work/home life balance, want to improve your health, or want to be a better leader at work and home - I am here for you.  Click Personal Coaching with Diane below to connect.

I've been where you are. Now I am at PEACE. 
Coaching helped me RELEASE my past.

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