At times the pain was unbearable. Here, you will see my high school picture when I weighed about 210 pounds; plus four notes written in my High School annual - two of them very sweet, two of them very hurtful. There are also pictures of me now and a picture taken in 2007 when I climbed a rock wall while on a cruise - yes, I made it to the top and rang the bell!
Many people viewed me as the jolly fat girl. I will admit I always had a smile on my face and I appeared to take the joking well. However, the name calling, teachers making me feel stupid, not being able to buy clothes my size, being made fun of and other actions were so hurtful. I don't know why my size mattered; however, it was an embarrassment to others. Can you imagine the pain? I even had a family member once tell me what a pretty face I had and how much prettier I would be if I lost the weight. After losing the weight and while I was in college, I had a high school male friend say, "wow, if I had known this is what you would look like, I would have dated you." I told him I was the same person fat as I was thin.