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How Are You Approaching Your Day?

Diane Burton • January 11, 2021

How are you approaching your day - your life?

"He (Jesus) disarmed the rulers and authorities (demonic) and put them to open shame (shamed them publicly) by triumphing over them in Him (His victory over them on the cross.") Colossians 2:15

How are you approaching your day - your life?

Do you approach it as a victorious day (life)? Or do you approach it feeling defeated?

Yes, some days are tougher than others and Satan does his best to make you think he's the winner.

As I was thinking about how I wanted to approach this scripture, I thought of a ball game.

A game where the losing team was so humiliated by how huge the score was for the winning team. Jesus' victory on the cross would be like a ball team winning 2 million (& even more) to nothing!

And, it would be as though the losing team thinks they are in overtime and they keep playing! And, the fans for the losing team stay in the bleachers watching. They just know their team can still come back and win.

Satan is the coach and so while his team is on the field thinking they can still win, he's out recruiting people to join them. The more people on the team. the better chance they have at coming back to win (remember, he doesn't play fair, so he'll put as many players on the team as he wants!)

And, he's going to do whatever it takes to recruit people from the winning team to come and play with his team!!!! He's going to promise them lots of money and nice homes and nice cars. Oh, and he'll promise they won't get hurt and it will be an easy game to win. He's going to promise an easy life.

And, the fans are in the stands cheering them on.

I know this all sounds so ridiculous; however, do you ever feel like you're on the losing team because life isn't going the way you wanted it to or you're struggling with 'stuff' and maybe it's time to just do things my way (or maybe that's what you've been doing and you're on a hamster wheel going nowhere)?

Remember, Jesus has already won. The truth is, we must remember this and run to Him when the trials and tribulations of this worldly life come.

You must fill your heart and mind with the Word of God daily to remind you that Jesus did win.

You must hand over every trial and tribulation you face to Jesus. He wants and is willing to carry your burden. If we didn't have the trials and tribulations in our life, we would never see the need for God/Jesus. It's possible you would find yourself with the losing team - how scary is that?

Talk to God about what's going on in your life. Ask Him for help. Put on your armor every day so you are protected against the devil.

Rejoice in the trials - James 1:2,3 - it's what will grow your faith and your endurance.

We are in a race on this earth. The wonderful thing, there will be more than one winner. However, to win, you must stay in the race on Jesus' team.

And when you grow tired (and you will), lean on God/Jesus and lean on your Christian family.

And, when you are strong (and you will be), reach out a hand to the one who is tired and weary. Help them before Satan makes them think he has what it takes to be strong.

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5,6

If you enjoyed this, please share it with a friend through the social media links below.  Do you need help steering yourself in the right direction, the direction of the winning team?  Make an appointment below by clicking the Personal Coaching with Diane link and we'll connect. Have a blessed day!

I've been where you are. Now I am at PEACE. 
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