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Sin That Trips Us Up

Diane Burton • February 8, 2021

God tells us to let go of the sin that trips us up.

What sin so easily trips you up? Do you know?

As I read Hebrews 12:1 this morning, I asked myself that question and I prayed and asked God to show me.

I journaled this scripture this morning using first person and I invite you to do the same. I have found reading the scripture in first person takes on a whole new meaning. It truly makes it "personal."

"Since I am surrounded by a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, I will strip off every weight that slows me down, especially the sin that so easily trips me up..." Hebrews 12:1 NLT

Huge crowd of witnesses or so great a cloud of witnesses.

Visualize being in a stadium and you are in the middle of the field and all around you are those who have gone before us.

They are encouraging you. They are warning you. They are letting you know that when you put God first and obey, it will be worth it.

They are telling you to let go of every sin that slows you down - the ESV says the sins that cling so closely. (Do you know what sins these are?)

And, they are telling you to especially let go of the sin that besets you - that trips you up. (Do you know what sin that is?)

And, then in the last part of verse 1, they tell you to "run with endurance the race God has set before you."

"...I will run with endurance the race God has set before me."

It is going to take everything you've got to run this race and your cloud of witnesses is telling you to do it. They want you to know it will be worth it!

And, they would tell you that the way to get that endurance is to study - really study God's Word.

They will tell you to pray - a lot - without ceasing. And, talk to God first about everything.

They will tell you to to mount up with wings as eagles - Isaiah 40:31. (you are an eagle, not a chicken.)

And, they will tell you that God has given you a spirit of power, love and self-control (2 Timothy 1:7.) In other words, you can let go of the sin that trips you up. You can endure. You can and you will, because God is your Father and He loves you more than you can ever know and He wants you to spend eternity with you.

If you would like me to coach you through identifying sins that trip you up and letting go of those, please reach out.  I am here to help! Have a Blessed Day

I've been where you are. Now I am at PEACE. 
Coaching helped me RELEASE my past.

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