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Much Knowledge Brings Much Grief & Increased Knowledge Increases Sorrow!

Diane Burton • July 1, 2016

I invite you to make the changes necessary today to become the healthy person God intended you to be.

The more I'm learning about nutrition as a Holistic Cancer Educator, the more I understand what King Solomon, the wisest man in the world, meant when he wrote in Ecclesiastes 1:18 "For in much wisdom is much vexation (grief), and he who increases knowledge increases sorrow."

As a Holistic Cancer Educator and Juice Plus wellness consultant, I've had the privilege of learning how nutrition is key in being healthy. As I've learned about simple ways to be healthy I want to share them. However, not everyone agrees with me; or, not everyone wants to know; or, not everyone is willing to make the changes necessary to be healthy. What?? I want everyone to be healthy and know there are additional options; however, I've discovered a lot of people say they want to be healthy, yet aren't willing to do what it takes to be healthy.

What am I supposed to do? Many times it's on my mind when I go to sleep or I wake up at 3 or 4 am thinking "how can I get my message out so you and the rest of the world will be heathy?" And then I think, maybe being healthy isn't as important to the rest of the world as it is to me. However, I did read in the June 16, 2016 USA Today, "88% of Americans would rather be healthy than rich. Only 37% expect to be in good health 10 years from now." Really?

Why? Is it because they believe getting older means being unhealthy? Is it because they choose not to take care of themselves and hope they will be lucky and never get sick? Or, is it a case you have your head in the sand and "oh, well, if you get sick there's a pill or some kind of treatment to take care of the disease." Or, do you have the thought, "everyone is going to die sometime of some thing, so, I'll just enjoy food and if it's your time, it's your time." Personally, I believe God expects better of us. And, I believe the devil loves those who have the attitude of not caring. What is your reason? 

There is so much information available to teach us how to be healthy, yet, Americans are the unhealthiest in the world! Obesity is at an all time high. More and more people are diagnosed with cancer, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, etc. everyday. Money is spent on research, yet, it seems more and more are dying. Why? 

I believe one answer is that it's quicker and easier to eat convenient foods than to take the time to prepare a meal. I understand. For years I used pre-packaged foods - it took less time, the family liked it - why peel a bunch of potatoes when I could open a package of instant potatoes, pop them in the microwave and in a couple of minutes I had mashed potatoes. 

I also believe most people just don't care and it's not anyone's business but there's what they do with their body.

I also believe the devil has convinced you that God doesn't care how you treat your body. As I said earlier, he loves it when Christians have an I don't care attitude about the foods they eat. Has he convinced you that your body is yours instead of belonging to God? Has he convinced you God doesn't care about the foods you eat? Does he want you fat and sick? Maybe so. He knows when you focus on food, it becomes an idol. When you are sick because you didn't take care of your body, he knows you can't serve God to the best of your ability. Your body is a gift from God and for Christians it houses the temple of the Holy Spirit. Doesn't it make sense to take care of it for Him? Doesn't it make sense to take care of yourself physically to be your best spiritually?

As a minister's wife I see so much sickness and death. Every time I hear an announcement at church about someone asking for prayer due to their disease, I wonder if it could have been avoided. Every time I read a post on Facebook about someone asking for prayer due to a disease, I wonder if it could have been avoided. I want to reach out to everyone and offer to share what I've learned. I have reached out and many choose to either not answer back or they say thank you and it doesn't go any further. This is where the scripture King Solomon wrote comes true. I have this knowledge, and many I offer it to don't think it's possible for nutrition to make a difference and so they continue on the same path which got them where they are. 

I learned in my direct sales business that doing the same thing expecting a different result is the definition of insanity! What if you choose to do things differently this time? What if you choose to make decisions best for your body? What if you took 100% responsibility for your health?

As a Juice Plus+ wellness consultant, I've had the privilege of learning from medical doctors, registered nurses, and other health care professionals who decided to listen when someone shared with them about Juice Plus. Because they did, their patients are healthier and have less doctor appointments. With 35 research studies behind it, isn't it time you took your health into your own hands and added Juice Plus+ to your daily regimen?

If your doctor told you he had a product he wants you to take each day that had 35 research studies behind it, would give you the nutrition of 32 fruits and veggies in one dose and there were no side effects, would you jump at the chance to take it? That's what you will receive when you take Juice Plus.                          

"For in much wisdom is much vexation (grief), and he who increases knowledge increases sorrow." I invite you to make the changes necessary today to become the healthy person God intended you to be. Many of you have the knowledge. However, if you feel you don't have enough knowledge or want to know more about how to take care of your body, contact me and I'll guide and support you through getting healthy. Wouldn't it be wonderful to use the wisdom and knowledge to get healthy, instead of later in life having grief and sorrow surrounding you because you chose to ignore the knowledge you had.
I've been where you are. Now I am at PEACE. 
Coaching helped me RELEASE my past.

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