In her book, "Hungrier For Health", Susan Silberstein, PhD, founder of The Center for Advancement in Cancer Education, in Richboro, PA shares "Ten Reasons Not to Use Your Microwave." As I read these ten reasons, I began to understand how some of the digestive issues I'd had in the past could have come from using the microwave. I also wondered if it could have contributed to my mother's colon cancer. And, then, I began to wonder if microwave use was part of the cause for people who suffer with Auto-Immune disorders, Alzheimers and many other health issues. As you read these ten reasons, I encourage you to seriously consider, like I have, to never use a microwave again.
Here are Dr Silberstein's reasons to never use a microwave:
1) Micro-waved diets cause digestive system disturbances.
2) The human body cannot metabolize unknown by-products created in micro-waved food.
3) The effects of micro-waved food by-products are permanent within the human body.
4) Male and female hormone production is shut down and/or altered by continually eating micro-waved foods.
5) Minerals, vitamins and nutrients of all micro-waved food are reduced so that the human body gets little or no benefit, or the human body absorbs altered compounds that cannot be broken down for utilization.
6) The nutrients in vegetables cooked in a microwave oven are altered into cancer-causing free radicals.
7) Micro-waved foods cause stomach and intestinal cancers and may be a primary contributor to the rapidly increased rate of colon cancer in the U.S.
8) The prolonged eating of micro-waved foods causes cancerous cells to increase in human blood.
9) Continual ingestion of micro-waved food causes immune system deficiencies through lymph gland and blood serum alterations.
10) Continually eating food processed in a microwave oven can produce virtually irreversible damage to the body's nervous system by "shorting out" electrical impulses in the brain and nerve centers. This can result in loss of memory, lack of concentration, emotional instability and decreased intelligence.
At best, Dr Silberstein shares in her book, microwaving changes the chemical bonding and molecular structure of every food and beverage it touches; and at worst it actually creates immuno-suppressive and carcinogenic compounds.
Dr Lita Lee of Hawaii, wrote in the Dec. 9, 1989 issue of Lancet: "Microwaving baby formulas convert it to the point it becomes neurotoxic (poisonous to the nervous system) and nephrotoxic (poisonous to the kidneys)".
Dr Silberstein also shares that of the hundreds of cancer patients they interview annually at the Center for Advancement in Cancer Education, an extremely high percentage have been heavy micro-wavers.
Even if you have been a heavy micro-wave user, I encourage you to make the decision today to never use one again. I also invite you to make the decision to eat whole foods - flood your body with fresh vegetables and fruits - eat 70% or more raw. Add healthy fats such as avocado and coconut to your diet.
Add Juice Plus+ whole food capsules, the nutrients of 32 fruits and veggies, to your daily diet. After I changed my diet to more raw vegetables & fruits, added those healthy fats and Juice Plus+, my health is better than it's been in years.
Have you been diagnosed with cancer and don't know who to turn to or what to do? Did your doctor sit down with you and ask you questions about your lifestyle and the foods you eat? Did your doctor give you options and choices for treatment or were you told what to do? Did your doctor make you feel like you would die if you didn't get started immediately on the treatment or were you given the option to research and find additional options?
If you feel like you don't know what to do or who to talk with, contact Diane, a Certified Holistic Cancer Educator, through Dr Susan Silberstein, PhD, founder of The Center for Advancement in Cancer Education. Diane will listen to you, ask questions and guide and support you on your journey.