Have you ever turned to food for comfort? It's been a rough day at work, so on your way home you decide to indulge in a "treat" ~ something like a rich, high calorie coffee, or a donut, or french fries, a bag of chips or a candy bar. Besides, "I worked hard all day and I deserve it."
Or, maybe you are going through an extremely sad time in your life - a divorce, a death, a break up, financial problems, etc. During this time, many people turn to food for comfort.
As I was thinking about "comfort food" I realized how nice it sounds. It really is "comforting" at the time. However, if you are like me, once you have indulged, you then feel guilty for eating foods you know aren't good for you. And, then, the negative head talk begins, "why did I allow myself to have that? I'm trying to lose weight and eat healthy. I bet I'll weigh 3 pounds more when I get on the scale in the morning." And, on and on the negative talk goes.
So, is it really comfort food? Maybe it is for a few minutes, but then, it becomes "uncomfortable food", because of the head talk & the clothes feeling tight and then the negative head talk begins again - beating yourself up for losing control - allowing food to control how you feel - it's a vicious cycle!!!
What if the next time you were tempted by "comfort food", you chose to ask God to help you. What if you thought about the scripture, Psalm 121:1-2, which says, "from where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord."
I'm sharing these thoughts, because, I sometimes reach for "comfort food" when I have something on my mind or I'm tired. And, even if my "comfort food" is healthy, am I really hungry or reaching for food as a crutch?
As you read this, you may think I'm going overboard with this thought. That's ok - my prayer for you is, the next time you reach for your favorite "comfort food" you stop and think about why you are reaching for it. Is there something going on in your life you need help with? Are you allowing food to be in control instead of asking God to help you? What if, just what if, you took control at that very moment and asked God to help you?
Allow the word of God to be your "comfort food" the next time. I think you'll be glad you did.
Diane is a certified grief coach and can help you with issues you are struggling with, whether they be weight issues ~ grief ~ self-control ~ self-limiting beliefs.