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Climbing the Rock Wall

Diane Burton • August 12, 2021

I wanted to get to the top and ring the bell!

November 3-6, 2007, Ken, and I got to go on our first cruise with others from a Direct Sales company I’m associated with.

When I first shared the opportunity to go, he was not excited. However, within an hour of being on the cruise ship, he decided he liked cruising and wanted to be sure we did it again.

One afternoon we got to go to Coco Cay Island and walk on the beach, lay in a hammock, eat lunch – truly relax and enjoy the beauty of God’s world.

After we got back to the ship, I wanted to go to Deck #12, the top deck, to watch as we left Coco Cay and headed back to Port Canaveral.

When we got to the top deck, I was reminded that the rock-climbing wall was there. I watched as some of my friends climbed and I knew I wanted to climb (I had told Ken the night before I wanted to do it.)

I wanted to get to the top and ring the bell!

I decided to go check it out and find out what it would take. I found out you had to wear socks – I had on sandals!

I went back to sit down, disappointed. I didn’t know if I wanted to take the time to go from deck #12 to deck #2 to get socks.

Along came Donna, one of my unit members, who also wanted to climb, but had on sandals.

However, another friend was close by and loaned Donna his socks, who then loaned them to me.

Donna climbed first. As I watched, I knew I could climb that wall, after all, I’d been exercising, lifting weights, and participating in spin class.

As I waited my turn, I wasn’t scared, however, I did question my sanity. Who did I think I was about to climb a rock wall at the age of 54, on the top deck of a cruise ship that was taking off at the very time I was climbing?

The doubts and fears that sabotaged me for so many years were creeping back in.

Fortunately, I knew if I didn’t do it, I would be filled with regret. This might be the only chance I’d get to prove to myself I could do this. I believed it was now or never. I wanted to ring that bell at the top!

The young lady that signed me up was so encouraging and even helped me with the ropes for the climb, getting the harness around my waist and legs and a helmet on my head.

 As I think about this young lady, I realize how important it is to have encouragers in our life – people cheering us on. And sometimes we even need those who will help us with the ropes, getting us harnessed in and a helmet on to make those life hits we will have a bit easier to handle.

This young lady became my instructor. She suggested I focus on the yellow rocks (there were more of them) and to use my legs to push up, not my arms.

As I approached the wall, I again questioned my sanity. “Could I do it?”

I wasn’t about to back out – too many people watching and encouraging me. Plus, I knew I had to do this for me! I wanted to ring that bell at the top!

I realized I needed a win – something others might think I couldn’t do.

I needed a challenge to prove to myself I could do what most people will never try to do, never want to try to do, or what others might want to do but wouldn’t try!

Before I went up, I wondered if I would look down. I was standing by the son of one of my friends, who just happened to be a pro at rock climbing. He told me that since I exercised, I wouldn’t have a problem getting to the top of the rock wall.

He said I could look down if I wanted to; however, he said the best thing would be to focus on my goal – the next rock – the next step – where I want to put my hands and feet.

As I started up the wall, I was excited and apprehensive – yet I was going to do this!

I was going to the top to ring that bell!

I got started – that wasn’t bad – although I wasn’t even sure I could pull myself up. “Whew, I did it!”

Ok, another step – push with my legs – don’t pull with my arms – stay focused on what I’m to do next.

I’m making it.

I’m hearing my instructor tell me:

“Put your left foot up.”

“Put your right foot over where your left foot is and move your left foot over.”

As I’m going up the wall, I could feel the rope tighten. My instructor on the other end made sure I was secure.

When I was about halfway up, I looked up. It looked so far to the top – so far to that bell!

I was tired.

“I’m not going to quit. Ok, get focused on the next rock – the next step – ringing that bell.

I’m getting there. I can see the bell within reach, but how do I get my left hand up to that next rock so I can ring the bell???

Stop, focus. Where are my feet?

They’re secure.

Hang on with my right hand.

Move the left hand to the top rock.

Grab hold.

I’m secure.

I can ring the bell!!"

I reach out, grab the rope, and ring that bell!

Oh, what an exhilarating, empowering experience!

I did it!!

As you can see I had a picture of me ringing the bell framed. It hangs in my office as a reminder that I can!

What about you, what’s something you are wanting to achieve?

Have you decided you can’t do it?

Have you questioned yourself and become apprehensive?

Contact me and let’s talk about how you can make your dreams/goals/desires come true.

I believe in you and I believe in your dreams and your desires.

Diane Burton - Coach, Author, Speaker

I've been where you are. Now I am at PEACE. 
Coaching helped me RELEASE my past.

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