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Take Charge of You & Your Family's Health In The New Year

Diane Burton • December 27, 2016

A new year is just around the corner and it's time for you to take charge of your health!

A new year is just around the corner and it's time for you to take charge of your health!

Did you know most people believe food doesn't play an important part in their health? Many parents believe food doesn't make a difference in their child's performance. But it does!

Would you like to take control of your own health? Would you like this year to be your healthiest year yet?

Check out my Healthy Living page to learn more!

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By diane December 30, 2024
Progress isn't always a straight line
By Diane Burton August 19, 2021
I decided to treat the dirty window as one of my daily tasks. I wrote in my planner on a specific day and time when I would clean that window! I’m grinning as I write this thinking, "I scheduled a time to clean the window?"; yet that’s how I knew I would get it done.
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