What are you doing today to take care of your masterpiece? It's recommended a person take 10,000 steps per day. It will take being proactive to make this happen unless you work at a job where you walk all day long.
I have been working out for several years now - sometimes on my own and sometimes with a fitness coach. About 3 weeks ago I decided to join a new fitness program - Core Boot Camps. WOW - it is an amazing workout. The trainer is so good. She knows everyone is at a different place in their workout ability, so she has modifications for all of us!
Today we were at the football field at our local high school. One exercise we did was to run/walk the field - go to the 5 yard line and back to the goal line. Then to the 10 yard line and back to the goal. Then the 15 yard line and so on. Then we did squats up and down the bleacher steps, then a tricep workout (100 of them), then 50 push ups on the bleachers, plus more activity on the field.
I am tired and sweaty, very sweaty! However, I'm energized and so thankful to get to workout and take care of God's amazing creation - my masterpiece.
And, I had a birthday on Friday and my husband got me a fitbit - love it (I asked for one.) It shows I've already walked over 6,000 steps this morning (before 6:30 am.)
What will you do today to take care of your body? Even if you feel you can't participate in a boot camp - what if you went up and down some stairs today? What if you parked you car further from the door of a store you are going in? What if you did some sit-ups or bicycles? Do something and get your heart beating and get sweaty.
My breakfast is my Juice Plus+ Complete Shake with frozen blueberries and spinach in it (I usually do kale - was out.) The Complete Shake is lots of protein and other great vegetable based ingredients.
What about drinking water? 64 oz or more per day. Is it hard for you to drink water? Add lemon, lime, pineapple, cucumber, etc. It's delicious! Your body is 70% water - be sure to hydrate it!!
Let me know how you are taking care of your amazing creation from God - your masterpiece. I want to encourage and support you in your journey of taking care of yourself physically to be your best spiritually.